Thursday, October 18, 2007

Introducing Ella McConnell Cameron

What a story. Denise was 1 week over her due date, and was scheduled for induction last evening. The doctor assured us that we were in for a long wait, and that I should go home and get some rest for the long day ahead. A 1/4 dose of inducing agent ('miso' or something like that) was introduced at midnight, Denise was 5cm dilated and Ella was born by 3:30am.

Denise says it wasn't anywhere near as difficult as she thought it would be. She took no pain medication and had no complications.


Michele T. said...

She is beautiful and bound to bring you both great joy. Glad to hear that everything went great.

Jason said...

Congratulaions! Good to hear it all went well. No pain meds! What a trooper.